GUL Training

Guided Ultrasonics operates an industry-leading training programme for NDT personnel in the Guided Wave Testing method.

Our expertise in guided waves is unique, with decades of knowledge and experience from first inception of the technology to the on-going development of state-of-the-art guided wave inspection and monitoring solutions. 

The training of NDT inspectors is fundamental to the success of the technology used. Our mission is to deliver high-quality training and competence development to owners and users of our guided wave equipment so they are well-informed, skilled-up, and can deliver, to facility operators, the fullest and most accurate understanding possible of the information captured with the equipment.

We are committed to

  • Creating a learning environment that provides innovative and exciting learning experiences for all learners; 
  • Pursuing growth, learning and continuous improvement within the NDT industry;
  • Strengthening our roles as information providers and technology leaders with the aim of shaping a better future.

We have trained over 3,000 inspectors globally and we continue to host more than 50 training courses each year.


Throughout its history, GUL has been instrumental in developing all of the available major standards worldwide, including the BSI (BS 9690-1:2011 and BS 9690-2:2011), ISO (ISO 18211:2016) and ASTM (ASTM E2775-16) standards. GUL board and senior members have been taking active part in international standards committees both as committee chair and as members.

Our training programmes are delivered by Guided Ultrasonics Training Ltd. (GULT), a division of GUL.

GULT maintains Qualification and Certification Scheme for NDT personnel in the Guided Wave Testing method, compliant with ISO 9712:2012 and ISO 17024:2012. GULT holds a quality management system certification according to ISO 9001:2015 and it is overseen by an independent, external and industry-led Advisory Committee for impartiality and industry feedback.

GULT certification is the only approved scheme for the operation of GUL equipment.


GULT offers company-dedicated and open Qualification courses as well as Guided Wave Technology Appreciation courses. Our courses are offered as in-person training or as a live trainer-led eLearning training. Courses are delivered by well experienced trainers with decades of industrial experience, meet the GULT Team.

GULT open qualification courses are held periodically at our bases in the Americas (Houston), Europe and Africa (London) and Asia (Kuala Lumpur) and on-demand at any global location. A company-dedicated course can be held at your company facilities or at one for GUL bases.

Visit GULT Courses for more information on our courses.

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